Titanium Eagle #1
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Energetic Release

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Inge Joar Holsen, med Energetic Release, deler om mange muligheter for løsne opp energiflyten i kropp og sinn.
 Når en lar seg bade i tonene fra Syngebolle, Gonger, Tromme eller Strupesang, kan en åpne opp igjen mange av de "knuter" vi har ubevisst og bevisst i oss.
Jeg reiser omkring og har holdt Gong og Lydbad siden 2017 i Norge og Verden. Lydbaden holdes i Private hjem, Yoga Studioer, Forsamlingslokaler, og Offentlige områder. Ta kontakt for å holde Gong og Lydbad i ditt området.

Foyn Norway
Når eg kjøpte den gamle Syngebollen, The SIDDHARTHA, har eg reist verden rundt og spilt den for å forløse gamle energi begrensninger eg har blitt guidet til.

HD Hands

En Mekaniske Grafen for ditt unike liv

Human Design

Human Design, med sin KroppsGraf, viser oss vår unike sammensetning når vi startet dette livet.
Human Design KroppsGraf, som har kombinert informasjonen fra Judaic Kabbala, Kinesisk I-Ching, Hindu Chakra Systemet, Astrologi, og Kvantefysikk, Biokjemi, Genetikk.
Dette gir en underbevisst og en bevisst del, som sammen danner ett "tvangsekteskap". Med din unike Kroppsgraf, kan eg gi en god nøyaktig beskrivelse av din Aura, og hva du bør dyrke frem, og hva du ikke trenger å vektlegge av opplevelser i livet.

Red-Black Impact IHDS LYD Guide

Jeg gir profesjonelle personlig lesninger av din personlige KroppsGraf, og eg holder Lev Ditt Design kurs og Guiding, både Online and Live.

Stay present right now

Let life unfold in Peace

Energetic Journey Around this World

World Journey

Praise your highest peace concept for your life

Energetic Release

Energetic Release

Energetic Healing

Fjernhealing med dype frigjøringer

+47 41 306 306 inge joar holsen
Healing – Energi Flyt Healing
Restoring of the Energy flow is a smooth option to improve the bodies self-healing capacities. When I do Healing and energy work on our bodies, i may find blockages in the energy-flow of the body, and untie them to gain better flow again.
The healing works as good with remote healing, as "hands on" if that is preferred.

            BodyBoth unconscious and conscious thoughts forms our lives, and when I use the various healing methods to release blockages, both physical and psychic pain may disappear.
When my hands finds the unconscious thoughts and knots, I may get the option to release and «untie» them, and the pain may be removed in seconds or the following days.

It’s not possible to give any guarantees for a solution, but normally the treatment starts a positive change in body and mind. Sometimes one treatment is enough, and other times 2 or more treatments is needed after some days resting. It all depends how deep the issue is located, and how many layers of blockages to to be removed.

This is the Healing courses and initiations I’ve received:
- Usui Shiki Ryoho IIIa (Reiki Master energies),
- Oneness Awakening (Deeksha)
- Energetic Stripping, together with Awareness of the power from the «source of silence».

By using a combination of these and more methods as my intuition and intention works freely, very good results may occur.
When we consciously finds a cause for the physical or psychic pain, we may get an golden opportunity to change the relationship to the problem.

Healing HandsThe connection between body and mind is documented by many channels, and when we find the root cause of any problem, it is easier for mind and body to quicker regain balance again.
To maintain my own balance and flow in life, i daily use an ancient teaching, a series of clean and proof tested thought from the Awareness methods.

These thoughts may be used both with open and closed eyes, to make it easier to stay and experience what happens right now.
So please contact me for any wish for remote healing, or visit me live at my "office", wherever I am in the world.

E-mail: ijh@energeticrelease.com
Phone +47-41 306 306.
Office adresse: The World